Friday, November 16, 2007

Latest dare

Go check out NZ Dares for a fab dare using digitally altered photos. I had a lot of fun with this one. Here's my original photo:

I made 2 copies of the photo, then on the first one i used a colour pop action to give the colour a boost and I also lightened the photo a bit and played with the contrast a bit. Then I used a filter called Accented Edges on it. This gives it a bit of a painted-type look but with almost glowing edges as well. Then on the 2nd copy I put a Graphic Pen filter on the photo.

Then I layered the 2nd copy on top of the first one and erased over my daughter so that the coloured copy shows through. Here's the photo after all the changes:

And here's my layout for the dare:


Tracy November 17, 2007 at 3:14 PM  

wow that is amazing! Awesome layout Andrea!

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